All orders can be cancelled directly through your broker, provided we are notified immediately. Simply send your broker an email with the details of the trade to cancel.
If you are looking to cancel a target order, you can view our navigate target order article here.
If you are unable to contact your broker for whatever reason or you need assistance completing the registration form, you can ask our Support Specialist team through the Chat button in the bottom right corner of the webpage.
Whenever you're ready, you can click below to get started with your registration.
If you have any questions, or you need assistance completing the registration form, you can ask our Support Specialist team through the Chat button in the bottom right corner of the webpage.
You can also call our support help desk on +61 1800 849 149 (Australia) or +1 (844) 494 6515 (International), from 9am to 5pm (AEST), or request we call you back by submitting an enquiry on our website.